The church council met on Tuesday, August 19. The meeting was held at Our Redeemer in Madison and consisted of representative of Resurrection, Our Redeemer and Good News in Mt. Horeb. The meeting discussed our very positive relationship and opportunities to work together, especially in promoting the school at Our Redeemer, where nine children from Resurrection attend. Our two joint services for Epiphany (held at Our Redeemer on January 6) and Ascension (held on Ascension Day at Resurrection) were also commended. The councils will continue meeting together once a year to hear updates and thank God for the work we are doing together.

Resurrection's council also met individually and largely discussed the PreK staffing situation. With adding a three year old class, there is the need for an additional staff member. Many options have been pursued and many contacts made. It seems certain that those search efforts have been blessed to hire Julie Wegner from Our Redeemer to be the 4K aide and have Elizabeth Strutz be the 3k teacher. Katie Mikula will continue as the teacher/director of 4K. It was noted that with a growing program, there is a need for more support for our PreK staff.   ...more

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- - Volume: 2 - WEEK: 34 Date: 8/21/2014 4:14:32 PM -