Evening for Life

Evening for Life

Evening for Life

Do you have a passion to save the lives of the unborn? It is NOT a hopeless cause. What can we do against such societal pressure to abort? Show love, share truth, and save one life at a time. WELS Lutherans for Life (WLFL) is working to save one child at a time, by sharing the honest truth about God's gift of life and providing loving support for each person who comes to their center. You also can take part in this life-saving work by showing support for this ministry. The Evening for Life is a support banquet where you get to learn more about the ministry of WLFL while enjoying food, friends, and entertainment. 

We have reserved a table for members of RLC who wish to attend. You are welcome to attend at no cost. You can register at www.eveningforlife.org and simply select the table reserved under Philip Meinel (table host). We are also planning to take a vehicle that seats 6 other people, so if you want a ride, we would enjoy your company along the way as well! We plan to leave at4:30 pm and be back around 10:30pmPlease contact Philip or Katrina Meinel if you have any questions about Evening for Life or the WLFL ministry. Hope you can join us! Philip's cell is 920-728-1406 and Katrina's email is pkand4@gmail.com.

Ken Notes: How appropriate the 10th is my birthday.


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- - Volume: 2 - WEEK: 39 Date: 12/3/2021 3:26:23 PM -