Sherry and I want to thank all the members of Resurrection Lutheran Church for their prayers, concerns and support for our daughter Sarah over the past six months. You have all blessed us and lifted our spirits during this difficult time. We believed that God has a plan and at times it has been difficult for us to see that plan clearly. Sarah herself put it all in perspective when she emailed us this message after her last radiation treatment:

"Let your hearts be lifted and your worries set free. Radiation is complete, God is good and my path ahead is manageable with him at my side and with all the love and support we're blessed with each day. This is all part of God's plan and as much as it has been difficult at times, it is where I'm meant to be and what I'm meant to endure. And why, because I can! He's given me the strength and love and support to do just that. I am truly, truly blessed and from this all, only wonderful and beautiful things will come! They already have!".

Once again we thank you all for that same love and support. We are truly blessed.

Give Thanks to the Lord for He is Good,

Sherry and Bruce   ...more

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- - Volume: 2 - WEEK: 47 Date: 11/21/2014 10:48:06 AM -