A Note From Katie

A Note From Katie

Dear Members of Resurrection Lutheran Church,

On Monday, November 17th, I was blessed to receive a divine call from Good Shepherd Early Childhood Center in Sioux Falls, SD. This call is to be a co-director of the center, which is flourishing with 122 children ranging from birth to age 5, work closely with the 35+ staff members, and most importantly, spread the Word of God to the children every day. This call, if accepted, will begin shortly after the school year ends here at Resurrection Lutheran Preschool.

Our synod has such a unique and rare way of finding people to fill positions within God’s churches and schools. Instead of called workers searching and seeking for jobs, the Holy Spirit leads council members of different churches to choose who would be the best fit for a certain position at their church or school. It is unexpected and yet rewarding at the same time.

I am overjoyed, nervous, anxious, shocked, and everything else in between about this call. Please keep me in your daily prayers as I process everything and decide where to best serve our Lord. I gladly welcome any thoughts, comments, or questions you may have. No matter the decision, God will certainly bless our mission here at RLP and also the mission at Good Shepherd Early Childhood Center.

In Christ,

Katie Mikula


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- - Volume: 2 - WEEK: 49 Date: 12/4/2014 4:49:34 PM -