A request...

A request...

I was wondering if there was a way to communicate to the congregation that Andrew and I are seeking some help looking for a sitter for Trinity. In September our daycare only has space for her Monday - Thursday. We both work Monday - Friday so we need to figure something out. We're looking at one of two things.

1.) Hiring someone to watch Trinity Monday - Friday from 8:30am - no later than 5:30pm ($300/week) - a great opportunity for a mom who's comfortable adding another child to her group or has kids in school!


2.) Hiring someone to watch Trinity on Fridays from 8:30am - 4pm ($10/hour) - maybe for someone who's currently working part time or a college student with Fridays open.
It would be WONDERFUL to find someone within our church community if possible so I'm seeking your help to get the word out.
Thank you in advance for your help!!!
Gale Hellpap

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- - Volume: 3 - WEEK: 21 Date: 5/23/2015 6:34:58 AM -