Letter From Vicar Steve!

Letter From Vicar Steve!

My dear Resurrection family, My time with you is already one month “in the rear-view mirror,” but all of last year is still at the forefront of my mind. And I’ve already been living in Milwaukee for a month, but sometimes I have this strange urge to visit Belleville ? I hope you’re not making the Melsos freak out too much!

This note (finally) is meant to express my sincere and humble thanks for the myriad ways in which you have prepared me for what I’m currently doing now. Thank you for giving me some awesome memories that I will take with me and not forget. Some of you taught me to lean on the LORD (and others!) for help when Satan attacks with anxiety and doubt. Some of you taught me to confidently move forward in Christ without guilt. A hard thing for me to learn. Some of you taught me the importance of reading the Word EVERY DAY! This is the best thing anybody can do. And some of you taught me to just relax and have a good time. For all of this, I am grateful. Oh, and yeah, thanks for the Yamaha keyboard!!! Wow, again, what can I say? (I’ve attached a selfie of my setup in MKE.) It’s a little strange but I shouldn’t be surprised. Because of my experiences last year, I feel comfortable and am suddenly much more prepared to serve in ways that seem so different. Somehow last year’s catechism class with the five guys has made me calm to teach God’s Word to 80 inner-city kids at St. Marcus. Somehow leading chapel at Our Redeemer and mingling with kids at RLC has made me eager to lead more devotions at St. Marcus and at “Wisco.” I’ve already shared a couple short devotions with the 26 Chinese and Korean high school students that are living with us in homes behind WLHS. The next year will be another amazing, new experience that I hope and plan to tell you about sometime later. I am doing quite well! Still pray for me. You can also feel free to contact me via call or text – 920.691.2862. And you’re more than welcome to visit me when you’re in Milwaukee – 363 N Honey Creek Parkway, Milwaukee WI 53214. (You can stop to see my parents in Fort Atkinson on the way ?).

The LORD bless you and yours as a new school year/etc. is underway. I am definitely thinking and praying about you, and whether your health or news is good or less than good, the LORD never changes. We have one hope, one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of us all… and He loves us! It is always good to hear from you, Resurrection family.

Blessings & peace,
Steve Pelischek

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- - Volume: 3 - WEEK: 36 Date: 9/4/2015 7:07:49 AM -