The Prayer of the Church

The Prayer of the Church

Almighty God, our King, we pray for those who rule and govern us: the president, the legislature and all who judge our laws. Grant justice in our land for rich and poor. Unite our country and communities in godly, common causes for our well-being. Keep safe those whose lives are in danger because of their service, especially police, firefighters and the military. Wherever our rulers or our laws are contrary to Your will and truth, turn us from our errors. Lord, in Your mercy, hear our prayer.

Almighty God and Father, Your Son, our Shepherd, did all things well. We pray for His Gospel to be proclaimed with might and power. By Your Holy Spirit, season our daily speech with the truth of Your grace and mercy and the redemption won for us in Christ Jesus. So also bless those who serve as pastors and all who are ordained to proclaim Your Gospel and administer Your Sacraments, so that they may make known both Your unyielding Law and Your precious Gospel. Lord, in Your mercy, hear our prayer.

Almighty God and Father, You say to all with anxious hearts, “Be strong; fear not!” You healed the sick and defeated death by Your resurrection. In Your good time and according to Your gracious will, heal the sick and comfort the suffering. Lord, in Your mercy, hear our prayer.

Almighty God and Father, the help of all who cry to You, be gracious to the poor, the unemployed, the underemployed and all who suffer hunger, want and need. Open the hearts of Your people so that wherever there is abundance, we might share the blessings You give to us.


Ken Notes: I saw War Room, a movie about prayer (5 stars in my book) and thought I would include this week prayer for you wall if you can not get to service this holiday weekend... P.S. you can watch the trailer at the link!

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- - Volume: 3 - WEEK: 36 Date: 9/4/2015 7:24:25 AM -