

At the circuit meeting in February I promised more information on BeyondU, and here is me sharing that information.

BeyondU is a joint effort of a number of congregations and pastors to create a movement among the High School students in the region. Monthly we will have a regional gathering of high school students that will focus on digging into the Word, connecting with other teens from around the area, and gathering for worship. Below and attached to this email are a number of promotional materials for you to use to promote the first event on April 3, 6-8pm.

Nate Abrahamson, youth pastor from Abiding Shepherd, will be leading the "dig in" section and be coordinating topics for the teens to be studying and is working with one of the Chapel bands to lead the worship time.

If you have questions please feel free to reach out to Nate Abrahamson ( or Kelly Huet ( and we will do our best to answer them.

More information will be available via the Facebook page as time gets closer (

Feel free to spread the word beyond our circuit if you think other churches/ministries would benefit from this effort.

Looking forward to seeing how God uses this movement for the blessing of the teens in our area.


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- - Volume: 4 - WEEK: 10 Date: 3/5/2016 11:31:01 AM -