Proposal UNDER CONSIDERATION by RLC Membership...

Proposal UNDER CONSIDERATION by RLC Membership...

1. Continue with the VASD for the current contract year (2016-2017 school year)

2.  Do NOT opt in with the VASD for the 2017-2018 school year and instead retool the preschool to be a sustainable outreach ministry not tethered to VASD

     - VASD restrictions on outreach efforts that are in conflict with the mission of our early childhood education programs

     - Positive stand alone activities such as Kid’s corral and soccer camp

3.  Create committee to reorganize the Early Childhood Education Program for the 2017-2018 school year.  Committee driven by the mission statement and goals established by the Long Range Planning Committee - Present plan at January voter’s meeting to include;

    a.    Age groups of students
    b.    Target class sizes
    c.    Programs (Mornings with Mommy, 3K, 4K, other) and how those programs will
           connect with the unchurched.
    d.    Staffing & licensing requirements
    e.    Congregation - expected financial support

4.   Create and present annually an objective evaluation by Preschool chairman to church council/voters on how the preschool is achieving its mission/vision/goalsEvaluation created by the RLP Long Range Planning Committee.


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- - Volume: 4 - WEEK: 41 Date: 10/6/2016 11:06:23 AM -