Preschool News

Preschool News

The Preschool Committee was involved in the first ever Verona Area School District  Kid's Expo in the high school gym in November. We had a table, talked to a lot of people, handed out literature, pens of course, magnets, and other knick knacks. Parents could fill out personal information to participate in a raffle drawing with donated Culver's and Pizza Ranch certificates. A positive  outcome was that two families were unchurched and wished to be contacted.  It was worth it!

Some committee members were involved with the Preschool Thanksgiving Dinner for all Preschool students and their families.  Costumes were made for their program, and  others cooked turkeys at home for the event.  Thank you to congregation members who made a dish to pass or helped in other ways at the event.  

As many of you know, Mary Beth Knippel resigned from her 3K teaching position.  Her final day was Tuesday, November 22.  There were six students in her class. What followed was a meeting with the parents and contacting five potential WELS certified replacement possibilities.  One was prayerfully considering the position.  It turned out that the parents of four students were going to leave our program and look for other opportunities. The need for a replacement teacher was no longer needed.  The remaining two 3K students have been merged into Ali Manning's 4K classroom.   

In God's Hands - Mike Korth - Preschool Chairman

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- - Volume: 4 - WEEK: 51 Date: 12/16/2016 12:59:13 PM -