Final Lenten Meal

Final Lenten Meal

Our final Lenten Meal is almost here!  Can you believe we are already down to our last 2 opportunities to eat and worship our Lord before our final walk during Holy Week. Please make plans to join us this Thursday at 5:30 for dinner and worship with us at 6:30!

The final Lenten Meal opportunity will be on April 6th and Carrie Henderson is our Meal Leader for Soup/Sandwich Night. We are in need of items such as:





Please feel free to reach out and speak with Carrie at church or contact her via email at

We thank all of you for considering this opportunity to serve your Savior by preparing food and taking time to have fellowship with one another.  How wonderful we can also serve each other in this way!  If you have already done this service to your family at Resurrection, thank you!  If you are considering doing so for these last two meals, we thank you in advance!

If you are looking for additional ways that you can serve using your time, talents or treasures...please don`t hesitate to ask or offer!  God`s house and His people are always in need of a few more hands to make light the work!

Blessings on your day!


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- - Volume: 5 - WEEK: 13 Date: 4/1/2017 7:39:16 PM -