Church Directory

Church Directory

This is the church. This is the steeple. Open the doors and see all the people.

This is a common children`s finger play. But it is not child`s play. It teaches an important truth: The Church is the people. The Church is people who believe in Jesus. Jesus loves people. Jesus died for people. Jesus came to our earth to save people.

You will notice this directory has pictures of people. These precious people are the Church. Even if the building burned down, we would still have a church, because there would still be people, people who believe in Jesus. People who are being led to heaven by Jesus.
Please, take some time to get to know the Church. Take some time to attach the names and faces of your brothers and sisters in Jesus. It`s these people that are the Church. Open the doors and see all the people!

We are here to help you with your pictures!  Please feel free to email pictures to Ali Manning at 

We will also have people available to take your pictures after service on Sunday.

The link below will take you to the online directory that we are trying to create for ease of use and an easy way to keep your pictures current.  This is in process so please understand that I have been editing information from the merge that only transferred 2013 member information.  Even if you submitted a picture previously, they are not by name and it takes a long time to access your pictures on the computer.  Please help by sharing a picture or having a new one taken!  I will email you shortly if we need your picture.  Thank you for your understanding and helping us know the Church!

Thank you for your time!

Link to Instant Church Directory


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- - Volume: 5 - WEEK: 18 Date: 5/5/2017 6:52:50 AM -