Pastor Trapp Retirement Party June 25th at 12:30pm

Pastor Trapp Retirement Party June 25th at 12:30pm

As you may or may not be aware, Pastor Trapp at the Chapel will be retiring this June. He will be holding a retirement party on June 25th at 12:30pm, which you are all invited to attend. You can find out more about the event or let us know you`re coming at

Would you also be willing to put something in your bulletins or online announcements about the event? Carol Trapp has written announcements for you to put in your bulletins or online announcements, which you can find below. Thank you very much for any assistance you can provide with getting the word out about this event.

Please don`t hesitate to let me know if you have any questions. God`s blessings on your day!

Philip Anderson
Communication Coordinator
Wisconsin Lutheran Chapel & Student Center
220 W. Gilman St.
Madison, WI 53703-1810
608-257-1969 (x306)

You’re invited to Pastor Trapp’s Retirement Celebration on Sun. June 25
Worship 8:30am & 10am at Wisconsin Lutheran Chapel
220 West Gilman St Madison

Complementary Meal 12:30pm at Eastside Lutheran Church  2310 Independence Ln Madison

Please RSVP for the meal by Thur. June 15 or 608-257-1969 or


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- - Volume: 5 - WEEK: 22 Date: 7/14/2017 7:26:59 AM -