While the Pastor is Away

While the Pastor is Away

Pastor makes an effort to attend the ordination for each of our Vicars. This is a special service in which one is set apart to serve and formally becomes a pastor. Vicar Eric Melso was assigned to begin a new congregation in Chattanooga, TN. The ordination service will take place on July 26.

Pastor and his family will travel to the service and take some family vacation time from July 21-28. If you are in need of pastoral assistance during this time, please contact Vicar Phelps. vicarphelps@rlcverona.com or 920.918.2420.

Pastor also has the unique opportunity to serve as a delegate to the synod convention this year. The convention will be held at Luther Prep school in Watertown, WI July 31-August 3. 

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- - Volume: 5 - WEEK: 1 Date: 7/28/2017 7:35:05 AM -