New Member Party for RLC

New Member Party for RLC

On Sunday, January 28th, 2-4pm, there will be a new member party for RLC recent new members and their sponsors.

The Boerners offered to host at their place W3260 Dayton Wood Road, Belleville. Thank you Nathan and Taneil!

We are asking you, as a new member sponsor, to reach out to your new member, listed below, and encourage them to attend this exciting event, even better if you can attend with them. It is really important that our new members connect quickly with their fellow Christians at RLC and build strong relationships. This will also help build their relationship with our Savior. This event is an important milestone on that path.

New Member(s)                                       Sponsor(s)

David and Brooke Erikson                Micah and Alice Heyer
Jessica Menke                                    Tim and Carissa Priewe
Ted Hall                                             Gene and Lori Cate
Steve Ebner                                       Nathan and Taneil Boerner
Chris and Kimberly Zak                    Rob and Kaye Reichert
Avery and Sara Faul                          Andrew and Gale Hellpap
Jenna Valentin-Straight                     Ken and Kathleen Harwood
Larry Lyons                                      Sue Lyons
David and Krista Bethke                  Brian and Ellen Andrews
Abby Bethke                                    Brian and Ellen Andrews
Anna Schultz                                    Penny Schultz
Neal Stake                                        TBD
Jake Zimmermann                           Tom Schloesser
Dixie Williams                                 TBD

Thanks again for participating in the sponsor program. Your work is critical in keeping members connected to the body of Christ.

In Christ,

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- - Volume: 6 - WEEK: 2 Date: 1/13/2018 8:42:54 AM -