Ironmen of God men`s conference

Ironmen of God men`s conference

We would appreciate your help in advertising the Ironmen of God men`s conference at St. Paul`s, Ixonia! Suggested bulletin announcement:

5th Annual Ironmen of God men`s conference:  Saturday, March 24 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at St. Paul`s Lutheran school, Ixonia.  Speakers this year are Pastors Karl Walther, Aarong Strong, Jordan Ertl, and staff minister Dan Schoeffel.  Guys, come and be strengthened in your faith and enjoy Christian fellowship!  Cost is only $30 and includes a catered lunch and a take home coffee mug!  Register today at!

We have also attached a bulletin insert.  Thank you for your help with this important ministry and God bless your day!


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- - Volume: 6 - WEEK: 4 Date: 1/25/2018 8:39:40 AM -