Some call questions.

Some call questions.

It was shared last week that Pastor Strutz was called to serve as MIssion Counselor for our synod. PastorStrutz and his family ask for your prayers and appreciates your input. Pastor Strutz is happy to talk with anyone and answer questions and hear advice and counsel.
Hopefully this will answer a few common questions.

1. What is a mission counselor?

A mission counselor is a pastor who works with new mission churches in our synod and especially new mission pastors. This work is done most often face-to-face and one-on-one. A mission counselor also works with churches that are looking to start new churches, or new campuses for their church. There are three mission counselors in our synod, each covering about one-third of the county. The call Pastor Strutz is holding would cover north and south east Wisconsin, plus the south east part of the country, from Texas and Oklahoma east to Atlantic Ocean. The call would involve a lot of travel.

2. Does this mean Pastor Strutz is leaving?

Not necessarily. Pastor Strutz may decline the call and continue serving at Resurrection. Even is Pastor Strutz accepts the call, he would not have to move and would continue living in Verona, at least for the time being. But if Pastor Strutz accepts the call he would no longer serve at Resurrection.

3. What happens to Vicar?

Should Pastor Strutz accept the call, Vicar would continue serving at Resurrection through the end of his year, either with Pastor Ewings or another pastor serving as his supervising pastor. The current mission counselor, whom Pastor Strutz would replace, is retiring the end of March and Pastor Strutz may not begin serving in this role until later than that, meaning Vicar would only have a couple months remaining.

Having said that, if Pastor Strutz accepts the call, Resurrection would no longer have Vicars.

4. Can`t Pastor Strutz do both?

Given the full-time nature of the work at Resurrection and the full-time work and travel for the mission counselor position, one person doing both is not possible.

Again, Pastor Strutz is happy to talk with anyone, receive input and answer questions. Please share your thoughts and prayers with Pastor Strutz and his family, especially Elizabeth.


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- - Volume: 7 - WEEK: 3 Date: 1/18/2019 12:43:55 PM -