A note from the Inreach Chairman

A note from the Inreach Chairman

Dear members,

Resurrection Lutheran Church has supported our member families who choose to make use of Christrian education for high school. We intend to continue this support, but we want to determine the best way to do this. As part of that discussion, we are considering joining the Lakeside Federation. This is a collection of congregations in the relatively close geographical area around Lakeside Lutheran High School in Lake Mills, Wisconsin. The congregations help fund the school. As part of the federation, families received reduced tuition.
Church leadership would like to hear from you, our members, about this option. We will be hosting a focus group following Bible Study and Sunday School at 11:30 a.m., Feb. 9, in Verona. A presentation will be given by Pastor Ewings, followed by the focus group discussion.

We invite everyone to attend, but we especially encourage families with young children. There is a lot to discuss and learn about this opportunity, and we really want you to be a part of it. Most importantly, we want to hear your critical thoughts and feedback. 

Thank you,

Andrew Hellpap, inreach chairman

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- - Volume: 8 - WEEK: 4 Date: 1/25/2020 11:26:42 AM -