Members of the Week - Carl and Ruth Pudlow

Members of the Week - Carl and Ruth Pudlow

"A tale of two dogs"

For almost two years, Carl and Ruth have shared their love with two dogs.  Ruth spends most of her time dealing with the chocolate lab, shooing him out of the kitchen, cleaning up after his ventures into the garbage can, finding clever ways to keep him from opening the refrigerator on his own. 

dogTen feet away, Carl is usually fending off the white dog's attempt to come cuddle on the couch with him.  "No, Fred, go lay down, this is Ruth's seat."  The last step is threatening to vacuum, since the white dog is terrified of the vacuum and hides at hearing the word.  Ten minutes later, the white dog will be back to watch Carl's favorite show, Duck Dynasty, and sit at Carl's feet, jealous that Ruth is already sitting next to Carl with a glass of her favorite boxed wine. 

Editors Note: If you are not friends with Ruth on Facebook you need to be, her tails of the bad dog and photos of smiling Fred will brighten you day. Thanks Alex!

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- - Volume: 2 - WEEK: 12 Date: 3/20/2014 12:24:51 PM -