NEW Bible Study

NEW Bible Study


Who was Joel? What is the “Day of the LORD?” Why is it valuable to read prophecies God makes in the Old Testament? Do believers need to fear God’s judgement through nat-ural disasters? Why did Peter quote Joel at Pentecost? These are just a few of the questions we will discuss and answer in our Thursday night Bible study series this month.

Since Joel is “only” three chapters long, here are 3 reasons to come to study Joel:

1. It gives you the opportunity to thoroughly study a whole book of the Bible, one chap-ter at a time.

2. You’ll have the benefit of growing closer to God as you read about his wonderful promises.

3. Group Bible studies can’t be beat! The opportunities for fellowship, food, and prayer make coming to these sessions worth your time.

Here is the weekly schedule for the Joel study. Can’t make them all? No problem! Each lesson has a standalone theme; you won’t be left in the dark if you miss a session. Here is the schedule with each lesson’s theme:

Week 1: July 6, 7:30 PM: Introduction and Overview of Joel
Week 2: July 13: 7:30 PM: The Day of the LORD
Week 3: July 20: 7:30 PM: The Locust Army
Week 4: July 27 7:30 PM: The Roar from Zion

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- - Volume: 5 - WEEK: 27 Date: 7/6/2017 6:56:12 PM -