Inreach Update-Volunteer & Ministry Coordinator Needed

Inreach Update-Volunteer & Ministry Coordinator Needed

Hello members of RLC!

I thought I was going to keep things status-quo when elected to the Inreach Chairman position a year ago. Since then, we had a merger, established a 10 year ministry plan, and called an associate pastor. We`ve got a lot of things going on!

I want to share with you an Inreach update that affects the entire congregation and has dramatic potential to help RLC remain a healthy congregation. We`ve seen a need to improve communication both from members directly, and from the results of the Crossroads ministry planning process. We`ve also seen a need to improve adult and youth discipleship. A key aspect to both of these areas is member involvement.

Have you ever asked yourself, "Why has God placed me here?" We know he has a good plan for our lives, but what is it? Now that I know Christ, what am I supposed to do?
 First Corinthians 12:7 says, "Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good."

This passage (and whole chapter) talks about how we have so many gifts - things that we like to do - and by the Spirit of our God, we can use these gifts for the good of our fellow Christians and our communities. I highly suggest reading the whole chapter, but essentially: We want to help members get instantly and permanently connected to the body of Christ at RLC.
  • We want members to recognize their God-given gifts and find joy in sharing these gifts with their fellow members and in their community.

  • We want to honor God for these member`s gifts - each and every indispensable member.

  • We want each part of the body to be connected, communicating effectively, and working together for a common cause.

To help RLC focus on these inreach goals, we have developed a Volunteer Coordinator position, subject to council and voter approval. This position would work in tandem with our existing Ministry Coordinator position, and ideally, would be the same person working full time at RLC. Our existing Ministry Coordinator will be transitioning to a different area of service this fall, so we are looking to fill these positions by late summer.

Both the Ministry Coordinator and Volunteer Coordinator position descriptions are available. Please let me know if you have interest in either one of these positions or both. 
 May the Spirit of our God work powerfully in your life.

Hidden in Christ, -Philip

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- - Volume: 6 - WEEK: 25 Date: 6/22/2018 8:46:40 AM -